Sermons and Worship

December 24, 2020 - Christmas Eve:  "We Believe Even Now"
Available for viewing after 7 pm 
December 20, 2020 - Fourth Sunday of Advent: "I Believe in the Light: Illuminating Peace” 
Decmeber 13, 2020 - Third Sunday of Advent:  "I Believe in God - Ode to Joy"  
October 4, 2020:  "Tenants with Obligations and Temporary Possession …"
September 20, 2020:  "Fair is in the Eye of the Beholder"
September 13, 2020:  "How Many Times?!?"
September 6, 2020:  "To Everything There is a Season"
August 30, 2020:  "From this Time on ..."
August 23, 2020:  "Who Do You Say Jesus Is"
August 16, 2020:  "Teaching Moment for Whom?"
 August 8, 2020 :  "Do You Believe in Miracles"

August 2, 2020:  8thSunday after Pentecost


July 26, 2020:  7thSunday after Pentecost

"The Kingdom of God is Like ... "

July 19, 2020:  6thSunday after Pentecost

"More Gardening"

July 12, 2020:  5thSunday after Pentecost

"It's Planting Season"

July 5, 2020:  5thSunday after Pentecost

"Take His Yoke"

June 28, 2020:  4thSunday after Pentecost


June 21, 2020:  3rd Sunday after Pentecost

"Let's Choose Better"

June 14, 2020:  2nd Sunday after Pentecost

"Compassionate Pity"

June 7, 2020:  Trinity Sunday